Almost a year ago I published the last article at Practical Mother. Right after Isaac's first birthday my life had turned into a pile of projects for Spring and Summer. I have to say that we had one the most wonderful Summer in our lives, not because we travel around the world but because we enjoy the public pool and the splash park in Middleton,WI. Isis learn to swim and it seemed magically. She wasn't scare of water at all and she even when down the water slide by herself. She also start 4K in the Middleton School District and rode the school bus for the first time in her life. I am extremly proud of her, she can even recognize all the letters of the alphabet in English and Spanish and count too. Isaac run over and over through the splash park fearless and free. It was the best feeling I even saw in a kid. He can color and watch a whole movie eating pop corn in the cinema, yeah!! And he loves babies and called Isis mommy. I was happy. Summer made me very happy. We read close to 200 books and walk the Pheasant Branch trail pretty much every day.
Our Halloween was also epic! This year the the costumes were inspired by spiders and we went to two locations to collect candy. Isis and Isaac were so excited to be walking at night. There is nothing more precious than to ear from your kid for the first time Happy Halloween. Isaac is definitively mastering the art of talking. This year we didn't organize our popular Halloween party but we made many Halloween art crafts and visit the biggest Pumping Patch in the area. We carved pumpkins like crazies and enjoy picking them in the farm.
But the snow fall in November... so we went UpNorth for Thanks Giving to share family moments, comfort food and slide in the snow. By the end of November we moved outside Middleton. Really we moved to the rural area called Lodi, I am still adjusting to the town and different environment but I believe in the long run it may be a good thing. Now we live in a real house with a garage and a backyard. I guess having three kids make you do things you never imagine... like settling. Our Christmas was very nice this year because we spent time just the five of us in our new home. We picked a tree in a farm outside the town and Gorman cut his first Christmas tree for the family. It is gigantic and we decorated with old and handmade ornaments. We could not ask for more, it was very incredible to see our kids admiring the Christmas tree.
And now the year ends and I do not want to remember the bad bad bad things that happened in 2013 because I have been complaining about them all year long. I promise I will be better this coming year, no more complains, more positive attitude and more smiles. Well, I got fired in 2013 from the best job I ever had and now I have to start all over. But the best moment of 2013 it was defenitely visiting Peru with my kids. Very challenging but unforgettable. I guess good things come with bad things or viceversa.
I am looking to 2014 with open mind and open heart wishing life will not get worse and believing things happened for some reason. But I am a realistic person so I have to doubt a little... right? life will be better but there is nobody but me who can make it that way.
Happy New Year!
Isis with Santa in the North Freedom train |
Resting area in Pheasant Branch Trail, Middleton WI |
Bruce Co pumpkin carving event |
Treinen Farm with family for Pumpkin Patch |
Isis's first day of school |
Halloween at downtown Middleton |
Thanks Giving Up North with grandparents |
New home in Lodi |