After almost six months of silence, I am blogging back again. The silence has not been for a lack of ideas, projects or stories to tell. On the contrary, I think I might had been too busy. Well, busy figuring out many things in my private life that I did not figure out yet. So I wasted this huge amount of time trying to resolve the unresolvable... Now I just will go on in life with the best inspiration I always had: my children.
But it is enough of self pity. It is time to BLOG!!!!! and this time (I promise) I have many many more ideas to entertain kids at home during winter storms, below zero days and even icy road days. I decided to start some DYI projects and also try some DYI ideas from other mom's blogs. I believe I had finally have a list of my favorite mom's blogs but I can't never narrow it down. So I hope with some of your help I can make a better decision.
I have to say I love February because my two kids born this month. Isaac just turned one year old on February 4th and Isis (the oldest) will turn four years old on February 18th. Isaac's Birthday Party was a blast!!! It is so precious the first time a child open a present. Granted, he already practiced opening presents on Christmas but this time was a little different. This was his great day and he love it. I am posting some pics of the table decor and the gorgeous cake my husband the Chef made. Yes, yes, don't forget we have a Chef in the house and when he is here (little we see him because he works at dinner time) he delight us with wonderful food. But I promise I will share his recipies as much as I can. This coming week we will be preparing details for Isis Pool Party. Of course, it will be Hello Kitty theme and ALL, mostly ALL will be decorate it in PINK! It will be interesting to see. So far we have an idea for the cake and some decor for the table but any extra ideas are very welcome.
I hope I didn't overhwelmed you with my first come back article but I am extremely excited to be back. Specially for myself, I need to keep doing what I always loved to do and it is writing! Tomorrow it is a downtown visit day for the kiddos and me. We will try to make it to the Olbrich Garden to see the wildflowers and the only amazing Conservatory of tropical plants. We'll see... hopefully it's not 20 below.
Isis and Isaac celebrating |
Cookie Monster cupcakes |
Little table decor | | |
Birthday Boy |
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